
i've got the blues, please come see, what your lovin' means to me.

St Michael shirt & belt, charity shop, 50p each - Bag, car boot, £1 - Cardi, charity shop, £2 - Shorts c/o The Kooples - Boots c/o Bertie.
Hello everyone! Goodness me, I haven't blogged in a while, the main reasons being due to my lack of self confidence and  motivation, as per. I haven't really been up to a great deal since I last posted to be honest, but I had a lovely Easter with my family, of course watched the royal wedding, celebrated my mum's birthday and have just mainly spent my days at home. I wore this outfit yesterday evening to attend a Starbucks Frappuccino event with my lovely mum, after I won a pair of tickets last week. Competitions and Starbucks, two great loves in my life, could it have been any more perfect? The event was lovely, my mum and I drank lots of free frappuccinos and cocktails, had fun in the photobooth and also got a little Starbucks goodie bag each, much to our happiness. This is definitely one of the loveliest outfits I've worn as of late, I just adore the colours and different textures. Whilst I haven't blogged in a while, I've been regularly updating my tumblr, plus I recently had an interview with Kristabel about my Vogue magazine collection and I've also been featured on the Bertie blog! I'm off to see Lucy and Carrie at their Flash Paradise event later, so speak to you soon! Love, Jazzabelle.


  1. You look lovely, those shorts are beautiful.x

  2. Eeee sounds like you've got some lovely things lined up! I really do love this outfit jazz, mainly for the reasons you said - the colours and textures are so great together - i love the little envelope bag! I seriously need to be tutored in the ways of thrifting! x

  3. LOVE that skirt - the whole outfit is lovely but the skirt is especially my fave :)

    Little Humble Fashion Abode

  4. Sounds like you have some lovely things planned! The Starbucks even sounded amazing!
    Such a stunning outfit yet again, love the colour of the shirt! Only 50p too!

  5. I Love the outfit Jazmine, especially the blouse! I've been looking for a shirt that colour for what seems like forever, to go with my camel coloured chinos and leopard shoes.
    The Starbucks event sounds lovely- and how nice to be able to take your Mum!

    xxx maddie

  6. Love EVERYTHING in this outfit! And you have amazing legs :)

  7. Oh - ive gota say i love a bit of dark red! Lokking awesome as ever. Hope you feel a bit more upbeat soon. ck :) x

  8. Beautiful outfit. I like the idea of velvet and silk together. Might try it out myself!

  9. those shorts and blouse look stunning on you <3

  10. I love your outfit. You've put it together perfectly. And I desperately need your shorts!


  11. That Starbucks event sounds amazing, superjealous. We don't even have a Starbucks in the city.
    The outfit is just as lovely as described too.

  12. The colour of the shirt is just perfect and well, that skirt is too! Lovely outfit. Have fun dear!

  13. The plum shades look great against your skin tone!

  14. I love Starbucks, especially the Frappucchinos. The fact that they now coming in those little glass bottles won't be good for my dieting! I love the shade of your blouse and bag, and as usual I can't believe how much of a bargain everything is! xx

  15. Oh, goregosu look! love the purple accents ^^ x

  16. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! AS ALWAYS. mmmmm starbucks!!! xxxx

  17. omggg the shirt :o love it!

  18. I agree, you have gorgeous colours here :)
    I very very jel of your Starbucks win, sounds like the best kind of event
    It would be mine
    Showwwww your face :)

  19. beautiful outfit :) i love your tumblr as well! xxx

  20. I am so in love with those shorts!

  21. Gorgeous outfit! That colour (I want to say aubergine?) is really smart and sensual with the black. Simple, classy, perfect :)

    I hope you feel better with your self confidence soon! You are my favourite fashion blogger and inspiration that looking good doesn't have to mean spending zillions on designer clothes.

    ♥ Dasia @ Dressing Out Loud

  22. This outfit is so pretty, the shorts look so good with the top and they look so nice on you, you have such nice legs (in a non weird way haha!).

    Hope you're feeling better about yourself soon, I hope so because you seem like such a lovely person.

  23. ohh i ADORE this look - so simple but effortlessly pretty

  24. very envious how you seem to be able to find endless numbers of wonderful clothes for less than £1!

    another lovely outfit :) x

  25. Oh, I hope you get your mojo and cofidence back really soon!

    I've missed you!

    Hugs and smile! :D

  26. hmmm frappucino's are so good... your legs are never ending woman!! lovely outfit as per usual :) x

  27. You have insanely long lovely legs! Adore the outfit, even more knowing what a bargain it is x x

  28. After chatting about fraps today I need to get one soon, delicious!! Love the colour of that blouse and the chunk of those boots. I bet that shirt goes with EVERYTHING!!!

    Bow Dream Nation xx

  29. I love that shirt and the skirt. They look so gorgeous together. And the color is fabulous! :D

  30. a starbucks event, that is you all over!

  31. you have the best legs. Truly lovely always as per jasmine.

    Helen, X

  32. This outfit is beautiful and you look lovely! :) Thank you for your lovely message the other day too :)

    Maria xxx

  33. hey my dear, sorry to hear about your confidence of late, i know how hard that is to blog thru.. if u ever need to chat just shoot me an email :)
    P.s i am in love with these shorts!!!! so so cute! xo

  34. yumyum starbucks!! i'm glad you had a good time, and your outfit is so lovely. i really, really like the colour of your blouse (you really can't beat st michael, i just happen to be wearing a floral shirt of theirs right now!) and it goes perfectly with the shorts too (: i hope you're okay, lovely. i miss your blog posts! xxxx

  35. Those shorts are so nice! I love the little lace trim on the bottom! And that Starbucks event basically sounds like my dream. I'm drinking a frappucino right now.

  36. this outfit is so beautiful, definitely agree about the colours and textures, it's just divine. and wow free starbucks frappucinos and cocktails sounds like an event dreams are made of. yum yum! x

  37. S0, this could be one of my fav outfits from you :) Loving the shorts, the whole outfit is great. You have such great style x

  38. cute shorts
    loving them

  39. love those shorts, your body is so perfect for them!

    Annah xx


  40. I love the shorts, and your blouse and bag match so well :) The starbucks event sounds amazing, lucky you! xx

  41. Glad your back! The darkpurple is really beautiful

  42. You look lovely! Intense colours love it. It all sounds very exciting <3

  43. I just saw you on the Bertie Blog and I love love love love all those 3 looks. Ugh, I want to have those long legs. You can wear anything you want! xxx

  44. Sipping yummy coffee...mmm, sounds delightful. And as for the colour of your shirt/blouse - (is it silk?) - it's the perfect shade of summer berries.

  45. wow your my idea of a great logger,
    real, affordable, relatable
    AWESOME :)

  46. i love the maroon shirt and your legs! hot hot hot!

    i love it.


  47. I love the outfit. That blouse shirt is an awesome colour and the shorts with those boots really toughens up the look. FAB

  48. I love those colours so much

    Amazing skirt too

    Check out Intrepid Inspirations

    X Zoe X

  49. I love the colour! Looks gorgeous.


  50. Hi,
    I just want to say that I have been following your blog for some time now and that I really recognize myself in what you say about taking time to figure yourself out a little. I have been been going through the same thing and still am. You are not alone, I hope this time off will help you think and empty your thoughts and make you ready for all the great surprises that life has for you! Love, Aisa

  51. this is gorgeous & so are you!x

  52. your shorts! i love that they are frilly but not over the top fussy or cutesy.
    i really love a frappuccino! especially around christmas time; the gingerbread ones are the best. yum.


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