
a blogger day trip to nottingham.

PhotobucketCalamari with sweet chilli sauce for our starter and spaghetti carbonara for my main. Photograph of Winnie and I taken by Lucy.
Hat, c/o Next - Cardi, charity shop, 50p - Topshop shirt, gift - Satchel, charity shop, £5.99 - Shorts, c/o The Kooples. Photographs by Lucy.
Lucy wears a Topshop raincoat and a Holly Fulton shirt. Winnie wears a jacket c/o Vero Moda and a Miss Selfridge blouse.
Kristabel's final knitwear collection, titled 'Archive Assembly'.
Last Thursday I popped up to Nottingham to spend the day with two of my lovely blogger friends, Winnie and Lucy. The afternoon was mainly spent shopping (I was practically forced into buying a faux leather midi skirt from H&M, but at seven pounds it was quite the bargain), eating the most delicious three course meal at Il Bertorelli, having an impromptu photoshoot in the middle of the town square and of course taking many, many photographs. We unfortunately didn't get to explore as much of Nottingham as we had originally hoped to, as it was soon time to attend Kristabel's final fashion knitwear design show at Nottingham Trent University, the main reason why we had all come up in the first place. The show was honestly amazing, the colours, textures and the overall styling of Kristabel's collection were perfect, I can only imagine how much time and effort went into putting it all together! I was very proud of Kristabel indeed. After the show it was then time for us to make our ways back home, so we stopped by the canal to take a few photographs before I hopped on a train back to London. There are more photographs of our day out and the show on my Facebook page, so do take a look if you'd like. Love, Jazzabelle.


  1. Ah you guys have such gorgeous photos- that Calamari looks super yummy and I could really do with some of that now haha. Adore your photos and I so love the vintage tint on the photos! Your shots of Kristabel's knitwear are awesome, I may have to borrow one for my next post! It was such a fun day...see you tomorrow for more blogger fun! :)

  2. sounds like you had a brilliant time! its so nice of you to support your friend and that food looks amazing xx
    Ella @ Belle Vintage

  3. These are great pictures, especially the shot of the pasta- it's making me drool a little bit! Checking out your friends blogs too now xx

  4. Awe what a fun day! I miss meeting my friends ... Well, I miss having friends :/.

    Hope you're having a fun week! ;)


  5. Lovely time..
    These are great pics!
    I love the yellow jacket, the knitwear, and your cardigan :)

    *hugs from your new follower*

    ♥ sugarpuff ♥
    Pinkie Anggia ☺

  6. Looks like you ladies had a grand ole' time love the shots from the design show!

  7. This looks like a lovely day. That calamari looks amazing- dammit, I shouldn't have read this post just before I go to bed! The lace and velvet shorts are also beautiful.

  8. Such pretty photos from what seems like an amazing blogger meet-up! You girls look pretty and the food so delectable.

    much love.

  9. Looks like a fun day out. I want to be wearing all that knitwear (it's getting all too chilly in the southern hemisphere!)

  10. The knitwear is gorgeous, what I wouldn't give to be that talented!
    Looks like a fun day out, I'd love visit Notts one day!

    Www.guiltyhippo.blogspot.com :) x

  11. what a lovely day you must have had!!!

  12. Such a nice blogger date and what an awesome collection of knits! Love your posts, as always.

  13. What lovely photos! And - oh my - isn't Kristabel talented?!

  14. Such amazing photos! That pasta looks incredible. <3 Sounds like you had a fab day. x x

  15. It looks like you guys had so much fun!! Love the photos! Seven pounds for a H&M midi skirt is a great bargain too! xoxox

  16. Such gorgeous photographs! You look like you had a ball :)

  17. That food looks so yummy! You take such lovely photographs Jazmine. It looks like a lovely day was had by all (: Kristabel looks mighty talented!

  18. Looks like you guys had a wonderful day. Gorgeous outfits (love the bag), delicious food and lots of fun!! Kristabels collection looks amazing =)

    Bow Dream Nation xx

  19. Oh, your pictures of Nottingham remind me of being a student. I was in Sheffield, but the BF was in Notts so I spent many weekends wondering around the student haunts! I've been looking at yours and Lucy's pictures and getting all excited when I recognise somewhere!

    I'm just on over to facebook to look at more pictures :). Kristabel's collection looks amazing! x

  20. that calamari looks delicious!! i haven't had any for such a long time. i've never ever been to nottingham before, but it looks beautiful, glad to hear you had a good time (: and well done to kristabel! her collection looks fantastic. have fun at the next event tonight xxxx

  21. Wow! So many things to say... your photography is looking so gorgeous and you look stunning in these photos! I absolute love the seventies vibe of your hat! Love the 1st and 4th images. Kristabel's collection looks INSANE!! Do you know if these are going to be for sale? I totally want one! Love the shapes and the patterns.... really really gorgeous. xx

  22. You look so amazing all of you! :D I just love these trips, they can be such fun :D little getaways. I am sure you had a amazing time;)

  23. beautiful photos my dear! the knitwear is stunning and it looks like u had such a nice day. off to see the rest of your photos on your facebook now :) x

  24. looks like so much fun! and what a pretty collection

  25. You look great - Really love your hat, really suits you! :D

    http://fridayisforever.blogspot.com xx

  26. Thanks for the link lovely! Wow your Carbonara looks luuuush! Want it now please! Lovely to see you today too :) xxxxx big cuddlesss

  27. Everything sbout this post is so lush.

    Helen, X

  28. ah!i want all of those jumpers.looks like you had a lovely time :] xx

  29. This looks like so much fun! :) xx

  30. You guys look like you had so much fun! I can totally imagine you wearing Kristabel's collection, it's gorgeous!

    Maria xxx

  31. Hey - I am really delighted to find this. Good job!

  32. can't wait to see your friend kristabel's jumpers in stores..
    that jumper is lovely..!


  33. I love this knitwear collection!

  34. OMG I miss Europe's calamaris! (L)


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