
what i find is pleasing and i'm feeling fine.

Photobucket Photobucket
Shirt, cropped jumper and skirt, charity shop, all 50p each - Bag, charity shop, £1 - Hat, c/o Next. 
In some aspects yesterday was quite a usual day for me: I treated myself to a Starbucks (thoughts on the new logo? meh), explored the Victoria and Albert Museum and went charity shopping - the only difference was that this time I had a camera and crew following me around. A few months ago I was contacted by Georgia from a new independent production company, Purple Boot Media, to ask if I'd be interested in being featured in a mini documentary style webisode focusing on blogging for their final major project at university. After months of planning, yesterday was set to be the first of  three days filming me going about my 'everyday' life to find out more about myself and my blog. I met up with three members of the production team, Suzanne, Rachel and Joel, early in the morning to film inside the Victoria and Albert Museum before it was open to the public, where they took numerous takes of me being interviewed, wandering around and photographing anything that interested me. We then went to my favourite charity shop where I talked about my love for secondhand clothes, why I shop in charity shops and what I was wearing. Plus we all couldn't resist trying on some clothes and buying a few bargains for ourselves! I could ramble on forever, but I'm pretty darn exhausted to be honest. Please do read Joel's post on the Purple Boot Media blog for a much more witty, funny and detailed account of our day! Love, Jazzabelle.


  1. That sounds like such an exciting experience, if a little nerve-wracking!
    I hope we get to see the video in the future, as I'd love to see your V&A and charity shop wanderings.

    Rosie x

  2. This is such a gorgeous outfit! I love it, and I can't believe most of it was charity shop finds!
    I'm very jealous, I never seem to find anythimg worth buying :(

  3. WOw Jazz how exciting, and the outfit is stunning, my fave so far! You'll most certainly have to link us to that when it's done! Meh to the new logo too, not fond xx

  4. Haha, I loved this post, it seemed all normal starbucks...bit of outfit...lovely photos then boom massive bit of filming equipment. Hope the day was fun, it sounds it - especially the V&A out of hours, that's like mega-celebrity-store-closing-shopping, but better.


  5. Wow!!! How amazing! Scary, too, I imagine!!!

    Love your outfit - LOVE the skirt and hat!!! :) xx

  6. Aww Jazz this must be so exciting and fun! I'd love to be able to see the finished product, it sounds like they're putting so much work into it :)


    [also, i reeaally dislike the new sb logo. uugh]

  7. Glad you had such an amazing day. Looking forward to watching the webisode x

  8. Rather looking forward to seeing it :) Sounds like such an exciting experience for you sweetie.

  9. I love your outfit it's beautiful, gorgeous photos x

  10. Ooh that sounds scary and fun! I'm going to London in a couple of weeks and will have a few hours to kill, your blog is totally making me want to go to the V&A! :)

  11. Love love love! These are the posts I like :-) Will we get to see the final film?

  12. LOVE that outfit and would love to see the final project :) I've never really been a fan of Starbucks but that logo is rubbish!

    Maria xxx

  13. what a really cool idea, ace that they asked you too. a standard day out for you. i'm not offended by the new logo, nice to mix it up a bit

  14. not a fan of the new starbucks logo! am a fan of you in that gorgeous skirt! x

  15. Love how you're rocking the hat! Very chic for a charity shop girl!


  16. You look so stunning! This proves once more that charity shops are the best :)

  17. I hope we can see that documentary! I was wondering what was all you tweeted about hehe On another note, I love that look on you. That skirt is gorgeous! And about what you asked in my blog, I bought 3 bracelets and a pattern to make my own poncho. I think I'm addicted to second hand things now. It won't be long until I visit your charity shop! xxx

  18. Oh wow what a lovely skirt! It really looks good I love how it looks on you :D

  19. really hope we get to see the finished video, is it weird having a film crew following you about?

    Bow Dream Nation xx

  20. Oh Jazmine this is so wonderful :)
    I can't wait to see the final film, what an amazing opportunity for you xxx

  21. Ooooh was waiting to hear about this! The guys are on my course and are possibly filming me too at some point! Was so excited to hear that they'd lined you up to interview! Would've loved to see that infamous charity shop! xxx

  22. Oh this sounds reeally interesting, and as ever what great charity shop finds! I'd love to vist the V&A one day, so I always love reading about it on your blog! xx

  23. What an interesting day! It must've been quite the experience.

  24. what a great outfit! you find the best things in charity shops!


  25. Beautiful photos! I love the skirt, simlpe and cute:)

  26. niiiiice outfit, as always. Love how you've been rocking the floppy hat lately, really suits you. Hope to see you soon! xx

  27. Wow, this is so exciting! Can't wait to see the finished project.

    Not keen on the new Starbucks logo. Not as bad as the Gap fiasco, but why do brands keep insisting on messing with a good thing?!

  28. cute outfit, love the skirt!
    cant wait to see the video film!
    Krissy xoxo

  29. I love your look and you take beautiful photos! Ciao from a follower from Italy! :)

  30. that sounds amazing! you look great <3

  31. how exciting!! how was it? were you nervous? i love everything about what you're wearing in those pics! X

  32. woah, the new logo is weird!
    how do you manage to find such stunning clothes...it makes me insanely jealous! the outfit is gorgeous:)

  33. The new logo really weirded me out when I first saw it! I wasn't expecting it to change, so it was kind of shocking, but now I'm starting to get used to it. I might have been swayed by their "Buy A Drink, Get a Free Petite Dessert" promotion, though. I'm easily won over with free cupcakes.

  34. Ohhh how was it jazz? Vicki and i had to do something similar recently and i wasn't comfortable at all (under statement!)
    You look lovely as per. The hat suits you to a T!

  35. you do resemble freja! (saw the comment on twitter when freja retweeted it). lucky girl! love the colours in your photos.

  36. Just found your blog! Its amazing! Following now :)
    Check out mine, I'm doing a giveaway :)

  37. Starbucks logo = yuck. I think it needs some black, it just looks like the printer ran out of ink! Also, you look lovely as always!

    P.S. I just found my grey scarf with the remains of a helium balloon in it from the Vouchercodes party and had a right old giggle.

  38. Wow hun this sounds like such a great experience i hope it all goes well for you! Love your outfit, i want a skirt like that so bad right now!xx

  39. cute pictures
    am loving your outfit

  40. Wow... these pictures just make me feel calm!

  41. hey! I just checked out your blog and I love your pictures a lot. really nice details, great colors and inspirations :)

    X, Annie


  42. lovely pics and your outfit is really nice!!


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