
blossom in battersea & some secondhand bargains.

Land's End, M&S St Michael and Jaeger jumpers, all 50p each from my favourite charity shop.
AA skirt, car boot sale, £1 - Zara skirt, charity shop, 50p - H&M maxi dress, car boot sale, 50p
I've been really rather lucky on the secondhand shopping front as of late, above is only a small fraction of what I have recently bought. I've also found a couple more jumpers to add to my collection (including a rust H&M jumper with adorable elbow patches!), a little black backpack, a few books, a pair of polka dot trousers and a handful of scarfs. Last week whilst volunteering in my favourite charity shop, a lady donated a bag full of mainly grey and cream jumpers, so I couldn't resist holding some back for myself to buy at the end of the day. I mean, a Jaeger jumper for fifty pence! Oh, the joys of working in a charity shop, I get to have first pick of the latest donations! On the same day I also bought the Zara skirt I wore in my previous post, and coincidently whilst at Battersea car boot sale yesterday with the Purple Boot Media team I saw an almost identical grey skirt which will make a lovely addition to my wardrobe. The blossom photographs were taken in Battersea Park on Saturday, where on the same day I also bumped into the lovely Georgia in my favourite charity shop! I was pretty awkward to say the least, but it was great to meet her, she has such amazing style. Would you be interested in seeing more posts similar to this where I share what I have recently bought? Love, Jazzabelle.


  1. awww i wish i were as lucky as you. and those are 50p's??awesome.
    i miss reading your blog.. :)

  2. You're so lucky to find stuff like that. I've been looking for an AA skirt on eBay for a while but I never seem to win one.

  3. Wow. You've had some proper bargains! I have that AA skirt, and paid a bout £40 for it x

  4. They are some amazing bargains!! Love the skirts. I love "what I have bought recently posts".

  5. can't believe your charity shop finds are so cheap, i think i get a bargain when i pay £1.50 haha, know i feel cheated! ;) Love the Jaegar jumper and would love to see more of theses posts ! :) XX

  6. Awesome buys Jazmine. Really considering volunteering in a charity shop- you pick up such amazing stuff! Can't wait to see the footage of you by Purple Boot Media x

  7. I'm impressed by your Jaeger jumper bargain - whenever you write about all these pieces you get first pick of, it makes me want to go and volunteer in my local charity shop!
    The blossom hasn't started sprouting yet here, but it looks really beautiful.


  8. Wow you got american apparel skirt for a £1!!! that is one of the best bargains I think i've ever seen hahaha, you are a charity shop MASTER! xxx

  9. Amazing pictures! The jumpers look so soft and comfy:)
    Love Änglamark.

  10. I love hearing about your charity shop ventures on twitter, and am always intruiged with what you've found so yes, recently bought posts would be fab!

    The rust coloured H+M elbow-patch jumper of amazingness sounds divine. If it's the one I think it is, I actually wanted it when it came into season - you lucky thing!


  11. I need to get a job in a charity shop, although where I live, no1 is very fashionable so, I would probs get rubbish things. LOVE the blossom, beautiful work xxx

  12. i've been looking for a skirt like that! no luck though!
    love your charity shop finds!
    Krissy xoxo

  13. awesome thrifty finds! Wish I was as good at you at thrifting. Maybe some tips? ^^ x

  14. I LOVE blossoms! Our tree is looking a bit worse for wear :(

  15. lovely photos and i really love your new purchases! i have been really lucky lately too when i thrift shop. i would love to continue to see posts where you show your newest finds!

    Fashion Bag 411

  16. Beautiful blossom :) I'd love to see more posts like this! Looks like you've been mega lucky young lady ;)

  17. oh what a beautiful tree..! <3
    you have a eye for bargain shopping..i usually have bad luck. :P
    have a wonderful week.

  18. You are so lucky, the jumpers looking so compfy

  19. I always love seeing blog posts of things you've bought - you have such amazing luck when it comes to second hand shopping!

  20. so many good finds, you do really get the top pick of them! out of interest how much would you price the jumpers at to sell normally? jaeger does pop up in charity shops a lot i find

  21. These photos are lovely and you found some really lovely items!xx

  22. These photographs are so pretty and lovely, and yes, I for one would love to see post where you share your second hand pieces you have bought, even if it does make me a wee bit jealous.x

  23. Lucky girl, those really are some great bargains!xox

  24. Amazing finds, makes me want to try harder to find things in my local charity shops. And the blossom is gorgeous!

  25. you always find the best stuff, so many gorgeous jumpers!!! think I have the same h&m rust and elbow patch jumper. went to the v&a today =)

    Bow Dream Nation xx

  26. I've been having rotton luck in charity stores lately! I'm hoping people will have spring cleans soon though! I love the jumpers you've picked up. They look really nice.

    And Battersea Park looks so beautiful.

  27. Awe, those flowers and blossoms are spectacular! :D They make me smile!

    Of course, I'm interested in seeing what you've bought! I need to learn how to sort out what has potential and what doesn't in a thrift store. This weekend we went to Hollywood again and I could buy a shirt I'd seen weeks ago but didn't buy. I regretted so much not having bought it then, but I was so lucky to still find it in the vintage store :)!

    Have a nice week! Hugs!

  28. Ooh, v.nice finds, and always such beautiful photographs! Envious...

    I was going to go to the Battersea Boot Sale but decided against it as I'm lazy lazy lazy and the weather was grim! Maybe next time, ey! x

  29. such lush photos.

    Helen, X

  30. Beautiful. You're sartorial inspiration. x

  31. wow! lucky you
    gorgeous finds
    loving the pictures of the flowers

  32. I would love to see more like this. You always find the most lovely and wonderful second-hand finds.
    The blossom is so beautiful, a sure sign of spring xxx

  33. You take some really amazing shots :) Your blog is beautiful x

  34. These pictures are beautiful. You always find the best bargains too. Love the jumpers. x

  35. I felt smug the other day when I picked up a lovely jumper for £2 but 50p for Jaeger is amazing!

  36. I so need to pay a visit to this amazing charity shop, sounds like a treasure trove! And isn't the blossom lovely? If only it was a little warmer :) Sally x

  37. Now how strange is this, Jazmine: I bumped my shots of you (hope you don't mind) for.. cherry blossoms and a post on Japan:

    I love how you put this together. The clothes on that pretty bedspread. Love how you desaturated it all and some great finds. 50p for a cream Jaeger jumper, Roz will be green with envy ; )

    Have a sweet day and hope to see you soon. xx

  38. Now I dont have to work Sundays, I am dying to get myself down to Battersea Car boot. Everyone seems to find such amazing bargains!
    What time does it open? Whats the nearest station? Sorry to bombarde you with questions!
    I love posts like this, such a nosy person! Its always nice to see pictures.
    Love all the bargains, the jumpers look so cosy!

  39. The blossom looks so lovely and it just makes everything seem brighter now it's bloomed!
    Ohh, I think I've got that H&M jumper too (with the elbow patches) and I love it! Great charity shop purchases... Unfortunately the charity shop I volunteer at hasn't had anything that has caught my eye just yet!

    Olivia x

  40. Ok we have to see the polka dot trousers! :)

  41. beautiful blossoms omg your so lucky you always get like the most amazing finds for GREAT prices. feeling very intrigued about the polka dots <3

  42. Looks like you got some good bargains!! 50p! Wow.

  43. i need to go bargain shopping with u one day as i am useless xxxx

  44. You need to take me shopping ;) I love the Jaegar jumper and the polkadot trousers sound divine! I love the cherry blossom too, Spring is definitely on its way :D

    Maria xxx

  45. you have a beautiful blog!! nice bargains as well

  46. Your blog is simply gorgeous! Some great bargains you got there xx

  47. You get all the best bargains! Amazing haul xx

  48. lovely photos my dear!!! love the new skirts you got!! def need me some new skirts ;) xo

  49. I always love the clothes you find and it's even better that you get them for such a bargain. I was inspired by all your knit jumpers so I went vintage shopping today with my friend. I picked up an amazing C&A wool jumper & head scarf for only £10 :) very happy x

  50. Now that I'm living in London I am definitely going to check out your charity shop and the battersea car boot sale this sunday, maybe I'll say hi if I spot you? :)

  51. i love how you're editing your pictures these days! as always, you've found such great things! it feels so much better as a bargain, too :) hope you're well princess! xx

  52. Such pretty colours! Beautiful xx

  53. Amazing amazing stuff.

    I've just found your blog, but I really love your style, I wouldn't normally say anything but it stood out in such a way I couldn't not.

    Hope you had a good day



  54. Beautiful photos, and some amazing finds! x

  55. I'm so behind... I didn't even realize you work in a charity shop! Haha, sneaky way to get to all the good stuff first :P though , somehow I don't think that's why you do it haa :) all the finds are just lovely!

  56. those pink flowers are so magical and lovely!


  57. Wow the pictures look all so soft and nice! You really got some cool stuff ;)

  58. Just noticed the blog link, thank you my love! Those jumpers look so soft and sumptious, beautiful pastel colours in all of your photos...dreamy.

  59. good photography, i wish i could find something lovely in a charity shop.x

  60. Such lovely photos. You always manage to find the best things!

  61. The blossom is so pretty, yay spring is finally on the way. And lucky you finding such fab pieces, I'm so jealous, a Jaeger jumper for 50p - amazing! And yes, I would definitely love to see more posts of thing you've bought, it's always nice to get an insight into people's wardrobes :) x

  62. I'm always amazed when I hear how cheap you purchase clothes, I wish I had the same luck! I would love to see what else you bought!


  63. love your blog
    great post


  64. Oh, these jumpers look so snuggly and lovely! And I just ADORE cherry blossom. When the trees start turning pink it makes me happy. x

  65. oh wow, i wish the things in my town's thrift shops were as good as the things you find! + i love these posts, it's a kind of nice jealousy to see what you've bought lately, aha. xx

  66. ohh i can not wait to see that documentary on you! :P

  67. srsly! LOVE those jumpers, and I adore the cherry blossom pic ... xx

  68. I think you pull of these muted, block colours really well, there is both a simplicity and complexities to how you dress. You combine different shades and tones together which I love, I think I admire it because I dress with patterns and bold colours and sometimes indulge in something more subtle, but I'm not very good at it! Also, did I mention I need to get myself over to your charity shop & boot fair? Probably every time I comment! But still, I shall try and drag my boyfriend along with me soon.

  69. I love the photos of things strewn on your bed... maybe it has to do with the photos, but they're immensely evocative, and beautiful


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