
*Hobo jumper, charity shop, 50p *Lace hair bow, Claire's, £4.50 *Satchel, charity shop, £4 *Cardigan, H! by Henry Holland, £6 I'm feeling pretty darn good today, I hope you all are too! Though I'm feeling slightly sick, as I got a tad drunk with my friend Mary last night, hehe. So, guess where I'm off to now? Brighton! I am sure the fresh air and the wonderful vintage shops will do me the world of good. My dear friend Elizabeth is driving us down, I haven't seen her in a couple of months so it will be lovely to catch up! If any of you bloggers live in Brighton, tweet me at 'jazzabellediary' and we could possibly arrange something? Love, Jazzabelle. P.S Ohh, I should have some exciting news to tell you on Tuesday, if all goes to plan! Please wish me luck! P.P.S. Thank-you for all of your sweet comments on my previous post, I'm an extremely emotional and sentimental person, all of your comments really made me smile. Catch up with you all later, bye-bye!


  1. I have just discovered your blog, recommended by my friend Alice and love <3

    Your outfits are so amazing! :)

  2. Love this cardi! Good luck for tues - look forward to hearing some exciting (good news!) x

  3. *steals the jumper* I love brighton, i'm off there in a few weeks, difference is, it takes me many morre hours to get there

  4. I really like this jumper! And for such a good price too; all the charity shops near me seem to over charge - nothing's less than £2 generally [god I sound tight!]


  5. Love this cardi on jumper mix. I like to layer it up all the time like this...but I must say I never look damn near as gorgeous as you do! I think its those amazing long legs you got. Really like that black cardi ay!

  6. Lovely outfit. But much too warm for this season?!

  7. Love the chunky knitwear on you, my dear Jazz. That hair bow is incredibly cute, I think I may have to copy and try and make my own vesrion.
    Have a ball in Brighton, lots of boozing, paddling and shopping (and don't forget some photos to share with us). Vix xxx

  8. This jumper is amazing. You look beautiful. I've been to Brighton once (and I will hopefully go again in September) and I loved it! So I hope you have a great time there! Have fun! xxx

  9. i hope you have fun in Brighton!

  10. Lovely Outfit! Have fun in brighton! xXx bisous!

  11. Ahhh that jumper is splendid! Have fun in Brighton. And happy vintage shopping! Fresh air and shopping seem like a pretty good hangover cure to me.

  12. you never fail to look gorgeous! x

  13. I can’t wait to hear about your trip to Brighton, I’m hopefully going in a few weeks time for the August bank holiday fingers crossed! Oh I just long to visit this place.

    You rock the hobo jumper perfectly and I just love the satchel- as you well know xx

  14. Oooh, have fun in Brighton! Hopefully I'll be going down there in a couple of weeks (:
    And that jumper is so snuggly and perfect!


  15. Oops! I got a tad drunk with a friend last night too. Early night tonight! These are amazing bargains. xx

  16. Looking gorgeous! Hope you had fun in Brighton. x

  17. Glad to hear you're feeling better, I'm going to Brighton on Saturday to visit my family home! I think there's a blogger trip the following weekend to Brighton as well if you're interested.

    Btw this is such a lovely outfit, I love that jumper on you.


  18. You look so cute, I love the slouchiness!!


  19. Ahhh I LOOOVE the Hobo Jumper!! I'm always way too emotional

    Little Rachael Vintage

  20. I LOVE that "hobo" jumper! What a super find x


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