
Here are a few more photographs from my birthday on Thursday, I'm standing in one of the pieces from the new Architects Build Small Spaces exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum. This beautiful structure, titled Ratatosk, can be found in the John Madejski Garden. I adore the organic shapes and juxtaposition of the smoothly cut and natural textures of this piece. I also love the fact that you can touch and interact with all of the pieces in this exhibition, which have been dotted all around the museum. I haven't exlpored all of the structures, but oh my, there is the most wonderful wooden tower, titled Ark, which I shall go into detail about another day! This exhibition has free admission for all, so I recommend you have a visit, and perhaps pop by the Grace Kelly: Style Icon exhibition whilst you're there.

Me and my dear friend Shana-Kaye, in the V&A gift shop, which is truly an exhibition in itself! Neither of us told each other what we were wearing prior to meeting up, so I think it was rather wonderful that we both ended up wearing the same colours of black, grey and silver.
Here's what I wore today, you have seen most of it before, except the men's tee from Primark, Asos over the knee stripe tights, and a Starbucks tumbler, all birthday gifts from my mum. My mum and I only popped out to do the charity shop run and treat ourself to a Starbucks, as we were both feeling very lazy, I ended up buying a lovely satchel in my favourite charity shop for four pounds and a vintage St Michael lingerie lace vest for a pound. I'm off the the V&A tomorrow (surprise, surprise) to attend a meeting, more on that tomorrow! Love, Jazzabelle. 


  1. One day I will have to visit the Victoria and Albert museum, it sounds amazing!! Lovely pictures and I love your tights :)

    Fashion teapot ♥

  2. Wow, those structures look amazing! As soon as I'm free I'm going to pop down to the V&A and have a look around (I've been meaning to see the Grace Kelly exhibition for ages but ah, better late than never) It sounds like it must have been a lovely day!

  3. gaaaaah - those tights are brilliant! I wasn't too sure about them on the website, but you pull them off very well.


  4. Lovely pictures! I love those shorts, I want a pair x

  5. Wow, I love the 'Ratatosk' <3 and your maxi dress is lovely <3<3

  6. Seriously, I'm in love with your dress!! xxx

  7. I need one of those starbucks tumblers! You look lovely, and it looks like you had a good birthday (:


  8. love the v&a, free as well, what not to like. my fav it is the key and gate area(sounds sad but i love everything about them). liking the denims

  9. I'll arrive on September 1st with my parents, we will be visiting different places until the 12th. Then I will be there all by myself. I'm so excited! xxx

  10. Lookin' good! Wish I had your legs more than anything. Meeting sounds very important and mysterious!

  11. love your shorts!!!!and tights from asos... and also shirt from primark:)

  12. I love artworks that allow for audience interaction. That one you're standing in looks incredible, and the exhibition in general sounds awesome. Pity I'm all the way on the other side of the world, haha.

  13. tights ;look fab and that satchel is a real find. ck :) x

  14. Yay for the vintage St Michael, I just adore St Michael, I'm glad you found a piece.
    The satchel bag sounds very intriguing, can't wait to see it! What a bargain.

    You and your friend look wonderful channelling the same colours. xx

  15. oh la la, love the maxi! gonna pop you an email bout meeting up again :) miss you! x

  16. Love the photos, looks like you had such fun on your birthday! And what lovely pressies from your mum! x

  17. Great pics - love your stripey maxi. Looks like you had a lovely time with your friend. xx

  18. You look so lovely in the maxi! And I love those Asos tights, I've been wanting them for ages.

  19. Gorgeous photos - I love that maxi dress on you! Gorgeous, as usual :)

    Little Rachael Vintage

  20. your style is absolutely fabulous! you have really lovely clothes and such cute taste! I would love it if you would follow me too girly!


    xx Sheridan

  21. Yaya for the V&A! I love how we both have pictures of ratatosk :)
    Really loving your blog, its lovely and fresh!
    Shame we didn't get to chat more at Next but maybe we could do a V&A trip togther some time if you like :)


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