
Today is the hottest day of the year, and my god I felt it, so obviously a Starbucks Cafe Creme Frappuccino was in order, hehe. I debuted my new, well old, tie dye maxi dress I recently picked up in my favourite charity shop for just three pounds. I lusted after it for weeks, but I decided against buying it as I didn't think it would suit me, but I eventually gave in. Isn't is lovely? And bang on trend, if I say so myself, hahaa. It's a tad short for me, so it looks a little weird if I wear it loose, so I teamed it with my fifty pence charity shop belt. I also wore my Primark brogues, Asos lace socks, and my free car boot handbag. I would have love to have worn a few accessories, but I am just so useless at accessorizing! Any tips you may have of what I could add to this outfit for next time would be lovely.

I went to my primary school's Summer Fair with my mum today, which is also where she works. We didn't win much on the raffle this year, but we got a few cute bits and bobs. I also found the most lovely navy blue, leather personal and business planner from 1987 complete with all the paper and sections for just forty pence. It also still has the original price tag on, which would have costed £69.99 back then. We got home just in time for the England match. I guess you watched it too? It was rather disappointing, but I'm still so pissed off by the goal which was clearly in. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the atheletics that will be on in a bit. I just adore atheletics, I used to want to be an athelete, you know. When I was 12/13. I trained at Herne Hill Harriers (you may see some who are from the team today, just look out for stripy black and red vests!) twice a week and also went to the gym twice a week. I did this for two years, but I quit because it just got too much for me and I didn't think I could 'make it'. My events were the 1500m, 800m, and cross country. I also stepped in for long jump and 100m relay. I like to think I was rather good, very dedicated anyway. My best times for 1500m was 5:30, and my best for 800m was 2:30, which I am still very proud of. I'm extremely unfit now, though. It's just so, so bad. I really would like to get fit again, tone myself up. I haven't actually exercised in years, shame on me. Is there anything you used to do when you where younger which you wished you'd continued with? Love, Jazzabelle. P.S. I recently got a twitter account, you can follow me here. P.P.S. Another giveaway when I reach 200 followers? I think so!


  1. Oh, you are so lovely!
    I've never been one for much exercise, although I walk everywhere and I suppose that will suffice.
    I do hope I don't ever stop playing the piano; the day that comes I will be saddened immensely ♥

  2. I love your dress! I wish we had such good charity shops where I live. Another reason why I want to move to London. :D
    Lots of Love,
    Lizzi xxx

  3. Love the dress, suits you so well! I wish I hadn't given up dance. I would love to have carried on but I think it's a bit too late now anyway ha x

  4. love this dress on you! especially teamed with those socks and shoes. starbucks creme frappucinos are soo good. oh, i also ran when i was little... i've got this photo of me when i was 6 and i had won 2nd place in a run that about 70 kids were in. then i didn't run again until i was 19 and i decided that i wanted to start running again. i'm so glad i did... because even though i'm certainly no star marathon runner i can hold my own on a thirty minute run which is something i definitely couldn't do 5 years ago. definitely go for it! xx

  5. Wow! I wish I was good at sport, I don't exercise, which is really bad I know but I'm looking to change that soon.

    You look lovely here, I love the dress length on you, you carry it off brilliantly! x

  6. that must be one of the cheapest outfits going but looks really good on you. glad you went for the dress in the end, you may have been kicking yourself otherwise.

    hmm i wish i was more fit, i have to run for a train for about 10mins(i checked on google maps and i ran 1.4 miles) and i felt sick after it. was horrible. i want to join a gym but the prices put me off

  7. I love this dress, what a find!
    I'm useless at accessorizing too, always feel like it looks too much when I'm covered in bangles or necklaces etc.
    I think your little ensemble is lovely though, especially love the socks!
    Lizzie x

  8. So so so worth £3! What would we do without charity shops.. But at my local charity shop they'd probably charge around £15, I actually found Primark shoes priced for £30. I don't think there's anything in the shop priced for over £30. And, yes, watched the game, gutted. The goal MIGHT have boosted their confidence a bit... Shame.
    It would be mine
    Simple is good for this, you look great, but I would wear a long silver chain. I always do :)

  9. I love this dress! I've always had a thing for tie dye, I spent many a summer home dying, pillowcases, duvets, t-shirts, vests, bags! Yes. I used to love it, it was a little messy but worth the effort.

    The dress length suits you perfectly. You look lovely as always.

    p.s The vintage 1987 buisness planner sounds very interesting. I love litle things like that :)x

  10. That dress is stunning on you - what a gorgeous beanpole you are! It wasn't too hot in Glasgow today, lots of rain showers unfortunately. xx

  11. I also love running, I wish I still did it as much as I used to. Ooh, I shall follow you:) And I'm looking forward to your giveaway. P.S I think you look lovely, I really fancy getting a maxi dress, I'm not sure if I have the courage to wear a really long one though x

  12. Wow, this post has made me a little emotional - I wish I continued with netball.. I was team captain for a couple of years but in the end, it felt pointless.. I felt pressured by the teachers and the team - they are all nice people but it just gets ontop of you, you know? & I suppose I started becoming a little rude toward them. I just felt angry the way the way they treated me.. even though I probably took it the wrong way, they didn't mean anything by it. But I'm just an emotional person! I used to do running as well and it never lives down.. the last sports day - a couple of days ago, everyone wanted me to do the runs but I just felt in a way, slightly angry.. you should put yourself in their position - you know? It's not nice when you are made to live up to others' expectations! You look lovely and like I say, I ALWAYS look forward to your posts - you are by far one of my favourite bloggers. Sorry about my little rant before this about netball! I had to let it out! Have a nice evening, babe! Lots of love,
    Izzy -

  13. This dress is oh-so-perfect for you! I love the tie-dye on it.

    I used to do ballet, until I became too busy with my academics and stuff that I had to quit. I wish I put more effort into it, because I was quite good! You should so get back into athletics, because you never know, you might regret it in the future.


  14. great dress - i think your accessories are spot on. ck ) x

  15. i love that color! so chic.

    xo Alison

  16. The dress is gorgeous and such a bargain! The socks are super cute :)

  17. You look amazing- that dress in gorgeous. I love it paired with the ankle socks and brogues; tres stylish!


  18. GASP :D I don't know which part I love better, the fact that your pretty belt really held the whole look together, or the way you wore those lace socks with those pair of shoes ;D

    Classique chérie

  19. Maybe some black or dark grey accessories to match the tie-dyed patterns on the dress? Which is FAB btw. What a cheap and gorgeous outfit.
    Oh, and the England goal... I KNOW :|
    But we were disappointing anyway, haha.

  20. You were right, this outfit is super cool!:D But you know what, when I first discovered your blog I read all your posts.:D So for sure there will be more people admiring this.


  21. you're artwork is sooo amazing, i can only DREAM of thinking about producing some masterpiece like that!
    and love the dress!
    i used to do irish dancing for like 6 years, and i wish i hadn't stopped :(
    keep up the great blog! xxx

  22. That dress is divine and a lovely change from your usual immense style. I love experimenting with tie-dye, great hippie-tastic fun.


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