
I've been in desperate need of some oversized tees lately, so I snapped this lovely pair up for £3 in H&M. There are just so may ways I could style these; as a dress, tucked in, layered, rolled up sleeves, tied to the side etc, so I think I have got myself quite a bargain! I also bought a lovely tie dye dress from my local charity shop for £3, which is similar to what I have seen in New Look, Dorothy Perkins and Asos. It's not very flattering as a long dress so I shall be cutting it and I'll show you the results when I'm done! Have any of you lovelies found any bargains recently? I also treated myself to a Starbucks Cafe Creme Frappuccino, try one of you haven't already, they are seriously delicious. But be warned, they are highly addictive! Oh, please visit Polka Dot for a post featuring me in the gorgeous Rare ballerina dress. Also, visit NikkiSunshine, as I have been featured on Nikki's 'Follow Friday' post! Love, Jazzabelle. P.S. Click on the images for better quality, I don't know what is wrong with Blogger, all of my photographs have been looking so bad lately!


  1. I have that same grey tshirt (with a v neck). It's the most simple tee ever but there are so many ways you can wear it. I also have it in black and I'll definitely buy it in more colors.
    The other day I bought a few things, I wouldn't call them bargains but...

    I'm waiting for sales to start!

  2. I love H&M for basic tees and vest tops, i recently bought a grey and vale pale peach one for £2.99 each which are great for holiday especially when you're wearing sun cream etc and clothes can easily get ruined!

    The photos look lovely btw! x www.aowen87blogspot.com

  3. Your photographs always look amazing, I need lessons from you. The art project looks awaesome, too!
    I can really see you wearing those teeshirts in a cool and individual way. I'd be tempted to hack the sleeves off at the seam and maybe the neckband too to make them really deconstructed and sloppy.

  4. thank-you, vix! that is exactly what i was thinking, i may go and buy a few more so i can cut them up. i quite like the idea of the grey one having loads of holes around the sides and the bottom. i have some mesh fabric, perhaps i could sew that to create panels? x

  5. I adore the striped one! Looks like I'll be popping into H&M when I next go shopping, they seem to have some amazing bargains at the moment.

  6. sounds like you really snagged some bargains there! ck :) x

  7. Frappachinos are so very extremely addictive! I willed myself away from them, only to get horribly attached to café nero's frappe milkshakes, though partly due to the boy serving me :)
    Those tees are wonderfully simple, and you really can't go wrong with stripes or over sized tees, so the combination is perfecto.
    I recently found a green print bolero for a tenner in oxfam, and a pair of KG clogs for £60, which might not really be a bargain but it was £100 off, he he.
    How's your weekend been? The weathers been a bit temperamental and is killing of our new flowers!


  8. bit of a bargain in their for basics isn't it. i picked up two 1.99 tshirts t'other day. fit me better than crappy topman too

  9. hehe, eve-rei, is this the cafe nero in kingston? i tend to go to the starbucks just outside bentalls :)

    my weekend has been lovely thanks! i hope you had a wonderful weekend too. yes, this weather is just so confusing. it looked so cold this morning, so i wrapped up in two cardigans and nearly died from the heat on my way to college, haha!


  10. :O did these tshirts come in a double pack? i picked up a pack with a black and white one on saturday and it was 8 pounds! i do love them thought just something to throw on :) i wore my white one today :)

    holly, x

  11. Lovely - I can't believe they're only three quid! I shall have to check it out when I go to H&M tomorrow...

  12. yes, they came as a double pack (on hangers) in the sale section, reduced from £7.99 :) it was rather weird though because this pack was the only one with a £3 sale tag on it, the rest said £5!


  13. Thank you for your comment on my blog! :)

    I really need some oversized tees too!

    Little Rachael Vintage

  14. Nothing beats a big old basic tee. I used to love buying them from AA, before they got so damn expensive :-(
    I keep on visiting your blog and saying that I must go charity shop shopping, and then forgetting, haha. Stop buying all the good stuff :-)


  15. These are a great shape at a fab price. Great buys. xx

  16. What bargains! H&M is great.

    Lydia xxx


  17. I am looooving the flower skirt. I am looking for something like that myself but it seems that I never find the right length...

  18. p.s.: thank you for your comment. I could so see you rocking that look. In fact you've got similar boots! Once it turns cold again - which could be any day now - you really should.

    Could you do a self portrait in a similar look & send it?

  19. Hello there,
    I really love your outfit! They look good on you, so stunning! You're adorable :)
    I adore your pictures, the colors are so nice to enjoy. Nice meeting you!
    Kristel :)

  20. I bought that exact set of tees the other day for £7.99. Gah.


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