
double denim: yay or nay?

*Denim shirt, charity shop, 50p *Elvis top, Topshop £25 *DIY denim shorts.

I had a hospital appointment today, I went with my mum, it wasn't too bad. I'm not ill, or anything, but it was just for something else. I'm feeling a lot better now, though. So, I was inspired by Spence @ City Light Maverick and Jen @ A Little Bird Told Me to go for an 'Americana' inspired look. I think it is actually the first time I have ever attempted double denim, what do you guys think? It's rather funny that I'm standing in front of one of the most recognizable buildings in England whilst attempting the Americana look, ha. Anyway, this was only a short post as I will be going to the Fashion in Motion catwalk show at the V&A tonight so I shall probably post about it after. I'm also going back to the V&A on Saturday as my auntie and her partner are coming down from Milton-Keynes to check out the Grace Kelly exhibition. Goodness, I think I am actually obsessed with the Victoria and Albert Museum, hehe. Love, Jazzabelle.


  1. YAY * 10000000. I love this, would wear it every day if I had it ;)

    kisses Samantha

  2. I second the yay! You made the "Americana look" look easy! wonderful!

  3. I always worry with double denim, but you pull it off really well! I think it helps they are two different shades of denim rather than all dark blue or something.. that's a look only catwalks and celebs can pull off :P

    -Alex (http://wearealex.blogspot.com/)

  4. If anyone can pull off this look, you can :)
    Love love the background, very you x

  5. you look amazing! i'm not sure i could pull off double denim but you sure can.

  6. Definately a yay! It looks fantastic.

    Lydia xxx


  7. You look absolutely stunning! That outfit looks amazing.. You've definitely inspired me to work the American look this weekend! Thank you so much, I can't tell you enough how much I love your blog.. & love your commments.. you're such a lovely person! There needs to be more kind people like you in this world, we live in today! Cannot wait for posts over the weekend.. this is what makes blogging worth while.
    Lots of LOVE,

  8. Hi Jazz!
    Thanks for your kind words and support.
    You're definately one of the few who can pull off double denim and the background to your photo is enviably stunning.

  9. Looks really cool! And I love the background (:

  10. Is that St Thomas's garden? Love this look, definite yay for the double denim!

  11. YAY!
    You look gorgeous as always!

  12. thank-you ever so much, all of you. i shall definately be wearing double denim again! yes, it's st thomas' garden, fritha! :)

    love, jazzabelle. x

  13. YAY! I totally screamed with excitement the second I saw the picture - you look stunning :)

    Aww I went to the 1 o'clock show, it's a shame we didn't cross paths! Did you enjoy it?
    And the Grace Kelly exhibition was amazing! I can see why you keep going back ;)
    I've written a post if you'd like to read...
    And thankyou for leaving a link to my blog - that's really sweet of you :)

  14. YAY! And you pull it off SO well babe <3

  15. I literally adore the V&A! Whenever I'm in London it's one of the first places I visit..
    I saw the Grace Kelly exhibtion recently and really enjoyed it. Not only were the pieces timeless and inspiring (those High Society costumes! Especially the cream draped piece..) but also relatable. I remember seeing a few things and thinking "I have something similar to that."
    I'm not a massive fan of double denim, but I think it suits you! And I think it is quite funny with the juxtaposition between an american trend and a british landmark.

    Thanks for the lovely comment, and I'm glad Jill reccomened me!


  16. All your outfits are a 'yay'!
    Lovely x

  17. Great post... Don't know why I've seen it that late...hmmm..Love the outfit and what you're writing. Kisses!

  18. Definatley Yay!
    You're so beautiful!
    It's really not fair.


  19. definitely YAY!
    its soooooo hard to pull double denim off! you should feel lucky that you do it so well :)

    much love xo


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